Android development should be easy. Most apps that I’ve worked in aren’t that complex, they usually boil down to just displaying some data from a remote server and then letting the user post new data to that server. Nevertheless, their codebases often ended up being ugly and convoluted. After all these years I think I have finally figured out how to avoid common pitfalls.
I think that the main reason why messy codebases are so common is that Android developers were left on their own when it came to app architecture. Google didn’t care about it until Google I/O 2017, when they announced architecture components. Even today, almost all Android guides from Google show examples that directly dump all code into activities of fragments, leading to chaos as the app grows. I understand that they do this for the sake of brevity, but since developers (myself included) tend to copy & paste snippets from these guides, it ends up being problematic.
I was very excited after the architecture components announcement. I think
it’s really cool that finally Google decided to give developers tools
to address the elephant in the room. In particular, I believe ViewModel
could be great building blocks for a solid architecture. I’m a big
fan of The Elm Architecture, among
other functional languages, so I tried figure to how to use architecture
components to bring some of these great ideas found in Elm and the likes into
my Android apps.
Among all the popular design patterns found in the Android community, Model-View-Intent (MVI) seemed like the closest one to what I wanted. I decided to implement it with architecture components in some of my apps and after some trial and error, extracted the useful classes into this library to make it easier to implement the pattern effectively in new apps.
I am very pleased with the results so in this post I want to explain why MVI is so effective, and how I use this library in my apps. For this matter I’ll provide an example app, a tiny Reddit client in which you enter the name of a subreddit and load the current top posts.
You can find the entire source code in the library’s repository. Feel free to checkout the code and run it in your own devices. In the following sections I’m going to break down the important parts and show how I use the library to implement the pattern.
The State
The most important thing in this application is to manage state and keep the UI synchronized with it. What would the state for this app look like? If I were to draw it as finite state machine diagram, it would have the following nodes:
- Input state. Initially, there should be a form for the user to input the name of a subreddit to load the posts.
- Loading state. After submitting a valid subreddit name, the app should show a spinner while loading the posts from the network.
- Posts ready state. If posts are loaded successfully, they should be displayed with the option to click and open the links in a browser.
- Error state If a network error occurs while loading posts, an error message must be displayed.
Now let’s define a class that models this state. State classes should just be
immutable data. You should be able to derive equals()
, toString()
, and
even implement Parcelable
with little or no effort. If you are using Java I
recommend using AutoValue for this
matter. If you are using Kotlin, data classes are all you need.
Here’s the state for our Reddit client:
public abstract class RedditState {
// Display a form so that the user can submit a
// subreddit name to load posts.
public static abstract class Input extends RedditState {
public abstract @StringRes
int errorResId();
public static Input create(int errorResId) {
return new AutoValue_RedditState_Input(errorResId);
// Posts are loading, better show a spinner in the meantime.
public static abstract class Loading extends RedditState {
public abstract String subredditName();
public static Loading create(String subredditName) {
return new AutoValue_RedditState_Loading(subredditName);
// Posts are ready to be displayed.
public static abstract class Ready extends RedditState {
public abstract String subredditName();
public abstract List<Post> posts();
public static Ready create(String subredditName, List<Post> posts) {
return new AutoValue_RedditState_Ready(subredditName, posts);
// Something went wrong loading the posts.
//Show an error message
public static abstract class Error extends RedditState {
public abstract String message();
public static Error create(String message) {
return new AutoValue_RedditState_Error(message);
public static RedditState createInitialState() {
return Input.create(-1);
As you can see, every possible state is modeled as a RedditState
using AutoValue
. It is similar to Kotlin’s sealed classes. The disadvantage
here is that Java lacks pattern matching for types, so it requires some unsafe
casts. It’s still good enough for me because it helps me avoid null references.
Side Effects
Now that the state is ready we have to define the side effects. Ideally all of our code should have pure functions. These special functions are preferred because they always return the same values if provided with the same parameters. If all of our functions were so predictable, then fixing bugs is very easy and straight forward. Just run the function again with those same parameters on any environment and locate the line where it went wrong. Unfortunately, an app like that isn’t very useful. Non determinism is unavoidable and even desired in a few parts of almost every app. A few examples of this are:
- Random number generation
- Using a file system
- Sending & Receiving data over a network
In order to be able to trigger non-deterministic computations in pure functions,
these functions will return side-effect values. These values will be passed to
another object, a SideEffectRunner
, which will read the data and figure out how
to execute the desired side-effect and post the result.
The only side effect that we want in this Reddit client, is the ability to fetch a subreddit’s top posts from Reddit’s servers. This is non-deterministic because the top posts change over time, and the request can fail due to a network error.
Here’s the definition of the RedditSideEffect
public abstract class RedditSideEffect {
public static abstract class FetchPosts extends RedditSideEffect {
public abstract String subredditName();
public static FetchPosts create(String subredditName) {
return new AutoValue_RedditSideEffect_FetchPosts(subredditName);
The FetchPosts
class has only one attribute: the subreddit name. This is
because these classes are plain values with the minimum necessary data for the
to execute it. FetchPosts
is a subclass of
because different side-effects need different kinds of data.
In a full-featured Reddit client there should be more side-effects, like the
ability to submit new posts, or upvote/downvote existing ones. Each of them
would need different data, so they would be modeled with different subclasses
of RedditSideEffect
While FetchPosts
contains the parameters to run the side effect. The class
that actually executes it is RedditSideEffectRunner
import com.gaumala.mvi.ActionSink;
import com.gaumala.mvi.SideEffectRunner;
public class RedditSideEffectRunner
implements SideEffectRunner<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> {
private final Resources resources;
public RedditSideEffectRunner(Resources resources) {
this.resources = resources;
public void runSideEffect(ActionSink<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> sink,
) {
RedditSideEffect sideEffect
if (sideEffect instanceof RedditSideEffect.FetchPosts)
fetchPosts(sink, (RedditSideEffect.FetchPosts) sideEffect);
private void fetchPosts(ActionSink<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> sink,
.FetchPosts sideEffect) {
sideEffect-> sink.submitAction(FetchPosts.create(res)));
This class has a public method runSideEffect()
, which takes an ActionSink
object and an RedditSideEffect
value. It identifies the
value and runs the desired effect using
, a class executes the HTTP request in a background
thread and invokes a callback lambda once the work is complete.
The ActionSink
object is used to update the state with the result of the
side effect. This interface exposes a single method: submitAction()
. As
implied by the name it receives “actions”, or intents to do something stateful,
which I’ll describe in the next section.
Actions are values that can update the state. They have a update()
that takes the current state, and returns a new one, because the state is an
immutable value. Optionally, this method can also return a side effect to be
executed immediately. This method assumed to be a pure function, it can’t
perform I/O or mess with global variables to calculate the new state . It can
only take into account the action’s data and the current state. Here’s the
definition of the FetchPosts
action mentioned on the previous section:
import com.gaumala.mvi.Action;
import com.gaumala.mvi.Update;
public abstract class FetchPosts
extends Action<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> {
public abstract FetchPostsRes res();
public Update<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> update(
) {
RedditState currentState
if (!(currentState instanceof RedditState.Loading))
return new Update<>(currentState);
.Loading state = (RedditState.Loading) currentState;
RedditState= res();
FetchPostsRes res if (res instanceof FetchPostsRes.Success)
return updateWithSuccess(state, (FetchPostsRes.Success) res);
return updateWithError((FetchPostsRes.Error) res);
private Update<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> updateWithError(
.Error res) {
= RedditState.Error.create(res.message());
RedditState newState return new Update<>(newState);
private Update<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> updateWithSuccess(
.Loading state,
RedditState.Success res) {
= RedditState.Ready.create(
RedditState newState .subredditName(),
resreturn new Update<>(newState);
public static FetchPosts create(FetchPostsRes res) {
return new AutoValue_FetchPosts(res);
This action takes as constructor parameter the result of FetchPostsTask
, which can either be Success
or Error
, and returns a new
state of type Ready
or Error
respectively. This action handles the server’s
response, but what about the action that triggers the side effect that sends
the request? It is this one, CallFetchPosts
import com.gaumala.mvi.Action;
import com.gaumala.mvi.Update;
public abstract class CallFetchPosts
extends Action<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> {
public abstract String subredditName();
public Update<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> update(RedditState state) {
if (!(state instanceof RedditState.Input))
return new Update<>(state);
if (subredditName().isEmpty()) {
= RedditState.Input.create(
RedditState newState .string.empty_string_error);
Rreturn new Update<>(newState);
= RedditState.Loading.create(subredditName());
RedditState newState =
RedditSideEffect sideEffect .FetchPosts.create(subredditName());
RedditSideEffectreturn new Update<>(newState, sideEffect);
public static CallFetchPosts create(String subredditName) {
return new AutoValue_CallFetchPosts(subredditName);
This action takes the subreddit name that the user entered, validates that it
is not empty and then returns a new Loading
state along with a side effect.
This returned side effect is then passed to RedditSideEffectRunner
so that
it can execute FetchPostsTask
and finally submit a FetchPosts
action to
with the result.
Every time an action updates the state the views should readjust themselves to
let the user visualize the new state. To do this, the application’s views should
be managed by a “UI” object that extends BaseUI<T>
. This abstract class has a
method that has a single parameter: the current state. This method is
called after every update()
so that the views always stay in sync with the
Before showing the implementation of rebind()
for the Reddit client, let’s talk
about the layout and what views are used. Here’s the XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
< android:layout_width="match_parent"
< android:id="@+id/toolbar"
app:theme="@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar" />
include layout="@layout/subreddit_form_view"
< android:layout_marginTop="?attr/actionBarSize"
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
< app:layoutManager="androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager"
FrameLayout> </
This layout has 3 main elements:
- Toolbar
- RecyclerView
- Input form (Nested layout with the form for the subreddit name).
The idea is to switch between the form and the RecyclerView
depending on the
state. If the state is instance of Input
, the form should be visible while the
is hidden. For any other states, the RecyclerView
is shown
instead because progress bars, error messages and posts can be shown inside it.
With that being said, here’s a snippet of RedditGUI
containing the rebind()
import com.gaumala.mvi.ActionSink;
import com.gaumala.mvi.BaseUI;
class RedditGUI extends BaseUI<RedditState> {
private final Context ctx;
private final ActionSink<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> sink;
private final ActionBar actionBar;
private final View inputForm;
private final TextInputLayout subredditInputLayout;
private final View submitButton;
private final GroupAdapter postsAdapter;
private final RecyclerView postsRecycler;
private final Toolbar toolbar;
RedditGUI(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner,
@NonNull LiveData<RedditState> liveState,
<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> sink,
ActionSinkView view,
) {
ActionBar actionBarsuper(owner, liveState);
this.ctx = view.getContext();
this.sink = sink;
this.actionBar = actionBar;
this.postsAdapter = new GroupAdapter();
= view.findViewById(;
inputForm = view.findViewById(;
subredditInputLayout = view.findViewById(;
submitButton = view.findViewById(;
postsRecycler = view.findViewById(;
// set the adapter and dividers to RecyclerView
public void rebind(RedditState state) {
if (state instanceof RedditState.Input)
showInputForm((RedditState.Input) state);
// show the subreddit name in the title, or just "Reddit"
// if the user hasn't picked a subreddit yet
This class holds references to all the views and shows only the appropriate
views for the current state every time rebind()
is called. The rebind()
method makes no assumptions about the state transitions, it simply reacts
to the current state calling the necessary methods on every view. You may
be inclined to believe that resetting properties on every view after every
update might be inefficient, but it really isn’t because android views are
smart enough to avoid redrawing things that haven’t actually changed.
You may notice that it calls a super
constructor with two parameters of type
and LiveData<RedditState>
respectively. These two objects
are used under the hood to subscribe to changes in the state and call
after every update.
Adjusting views isn’t RedditGUI
’s only responsibility. It also handles UI
events like button clicking and window scrolling. Just like with
, RedditGUI
also receives an ActionSink
to submit
actions and trigger state changes in response to UI events. For example, here’s
how the showInputForm()
method used in rebind()
sets a click listener
to the submit button:
private void showInputForm(RedditState.Input state) {
// ...adjust some views
// handle click event
.setOnClickListener(v -> {
submitButtonString inputText = subredditInputLayout
When submitButton
is clicked, a CallFetchPosts
action is submitted with
the text input by the user.
The Dispatcher
MVI establishes an unidirectional cycle between three parts: intent -> model -> view. In this app, these parts are represented as follows:
- Intent: Listening to UI events or side effect results is handled by the
. BothRedditGUI
call this object when they have to deliver actions. - Model: Processing data from intents to generate new states is handled by
classes and theirupdate()
method. - View: Readjusting the Views in order to reflect the latest state returned
is handled byRedditGUI
and itsrebind()
method. As this class also generates intents, it is evident how things come full circle.
Some people view this pattern as the following function composition:
. That composition is still present in this app, but it
uses class methods instead of plain functions because we are still stuck in
Java’s OOP world. It’s roughly something like this:
To glue everything together some sort of “observer” is needed. Here the
class implements this functionality. As you may have already
guessed it dispatches actions, triggering state changes and side effects. It
implements ActionSink
, the interface that RedditGUI
use submit actions. It takes a SideEffectRunner
object in its constructor so that it can execute the side effects returned by
the received actions. Additionally, it holds the LiveData
object with the
current state so it manages the state and lets observers like RedditGUI
to state changes.
Unlike BaseUI
or SideEffectRunner
, you don’t have to extend this
class, you simply create an instance with the appropriate type parameters.
The dispatcher is kept inside a ViewModel
so that the application state can
persist configuration changes like screen rotation. There is a
class that does exactly that. It is parametrized just like
, but since you don’t instantiate view models directly in android,
it’s better to extend DispatcherViewModel
with the desired type parameters.
For example, here’s the view model used for the Reddit client:
import com.gaumala.mvi.DispatcherViewModel;
import com.gaumala.mvi.Dispatcher;
public class RedditViewModel
extends DispatcherViewModel<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> {
RedditViewModel(Dispatcher<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> dispatcher) {
This class doesn’t do anything special. It is merely a convenience needed due to
the parametrization of the DispatcherViewModel
type. Since it extends
, it gets the public methods: getLiveState()
, and
which return objects of type LiveData<RedditState>
ActionSink<RedditState, RedditSideEffect>
respectively. These two objects are
needed to connect all the classes implemented so far because they are able to
read the current state and update it via actions.
Running the app
Now that there’s a view model that persists the dispatcher and application state
it’s time to wire up everything and run the app. The first thing to do is to
instantiate the view model along with all the dependencies (the initial state,
dispatcher and side effects runner). I like do this in implementations of
import com.gaumala.mvi.Dispatcher;
public class ViewModelFactory implements ViewModelProvider.Factory {
private final Fragment fragment;
public ViewModelFactory(Fragment fragment) {
this.fragment = fragment;
public <T extends ViewModel> T create(@NonNull Class<T> modelClass) {
// The fragment's arguments could be used here to create
// the initial state
= RedditState.createInitialState();
RedditState initialState
RedditSideEffectRunner runner new RedditSideEffectRunner(fragment.getResources());
// optionally, startup side effects could be run here
<RedditState, RedditSideEffect> dispatcher =
Dispatchernew Dispatcher<>(runner, initialState);
return (T) new RedditViewModel(dispatcher);
The create()
method is guaranteed by the architecture components library to
run only once, when the view model has not been yet created. It is not necessary
for ViewModelFactory
to keep a reference to the fragment, but I do it because
it is very often useful. In this case it gives me access to a Resources
reference that I use in in RedditSideEffectRunner
to create appropriate error
messages. Also, The initial state could created with a function that returns a
different value depending on the fragment’s argument bundle.
This view model is instantiated by RedditFragment
, the fragment that renders the
views for our Reddit client. Here’s how it starts the app:
public class RedditFragment extends Fragment {
public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater,
@Nullable ViewGroup container,
@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
= ViewModelProviders
RedditViewModel viewModel .of(this, new ViewModelFactory(this))
View view = inflater.inflate(
.layout.reddit_fragment, container, false);
R= setupActionBar(view.findViewById(;
ActionBar actionBar
= new RedditGUI(
gui this.getViewLifecycleOwner(),
viewModel, actionBar);
return view;
only implements one lifecycle method: onCreateView()
does the following two things before returning a view:
- Creates the view model if it doesn’t already exist.
- Creates a
fetching a few dependencies from the view model so that it can observe state changes and submit actions. - Calls the
method to start observing state changes.
That’s it! This is all that’s necessary to get the app running. Notice that
there is no need to implement onStop()
or any other lifecycle method because
object used by RedditGUI
automatically unsubscribes from state
changes when the fragment stops. Network requests could still be loading while
the fragment is stopped or recreated and there won’t be any memory leaks because
the side effects runner never keeps a reference to the activity or fragment.
More complex apps may need to implement other lifecycle methods, and that’s ok,
but most of the time it is not necessary thanks to LiveData
I think testing is very important, and a good architecture should make it easy to write tests. Since state and actions are defined as immutable values it is very easy to come up with reproducible test cases. You can quickly verify if a chain of actions ends up with a particular state or if it returns any desired side effects.
One of the reasons why ActionSink
is an interface instead of a concrete class
is that this makes it possible to use a different implementation in in testing
environments that doesn’t rely on the android framework and exposes additional
methods for making assertions about the generated states and side effects.
Here’s a test that asserts that the app reaches the RedditState.Ready
when the user inputs a valid subreddit and the server request succeeds:
public void should_display_posts_in_absence_of_errors() {
= RedditState.createInitialState();
RedditState initialState <RedditState, RedditSideEffect> sink =
TestSinknew TestSink<>(initialState);
= sink.getCurrentState();
RedditState currentState = RedditState.Ready.create(
RedditState expectedState "news",
ResponseMocksassertThat(currentState, is(equalTo(expectedState)));
This test uses a custom ActionSink
implementation, TestSink
exposes a getCurrentState()
method that lets you peek into the current state
so that you can make assertion about its value. It also exposes a
to peek into all the generated side effects so far.
Here’s another test that asserts that a FetchPosts
side effect is generated
by these same two actions:
public void should_generate_FetchPosts_side_effect_in_absence_of_errors() {
= RedditState.createInitialState();
RedditState initialState <RedditState, RedditSideEffect> sink =
TestSinknew TestSink<>(initialState);
List<RedditSideEffect> actualSideEffects = sink.getGeneratedSideEffects();
List<RedditSideEffect> expectedSideEffects = Collections.singletonList(
RedditSideEffectassertThat(actualSideEffects, is(equalTo(expectedSideEffects)));
“Real” apps
This tiny Reddit client only has one fragment because it only does one thing: fetch posts from a particular subreddit. This isn’t the kind of app I’m targeting but it’s good enough as an example. A more realistic Reddit client would let you do a lot more things like:
- Sign in to your Reddit account
- Fetch posts from your frontpage
- Manage your subscriptions
- Check your DMs
The list goes on, but I’m sure you get the idea. “Real” apps have lots of features. With this design pattern, each of these features would be implemented in its own fragment, defining its own state and side effects, isolated from the other features. It’s like having your app made of dozens of little apps that are easy to manage.
The app I’m currently working on in my day job is made of 24 “little apps” occupying 3 MB just in Java source files. It also has an additional 3 MB of legacy java code that I can’t really touch, let alone convert to this pattern. It’s been less than 6 months of development and it is very likely that we’ll add many more features before the year ends. No matter how much it grows I’m confident that it will remain as maintainable as always.